Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Master's Call

Tangent begin.

First off I would like to say this, as a Christian  I am no better than you. As a Christian missionary, I am no better than any Christian whom God has redeemed. As Christians,we tend to compare ourselves with other Christians, am I right? I think that we forget so often that we are all on a level playing field at the foot of the cross. And here is something that always blows my mind, the same spirit that lived in the apostle Paul lives in me. The question is what you choose to do with it. You can stifle it and live a mediocre life, or you can let it shine and glorify God's name in all you do. Once again, I sure do love to stifle the light so that I can be comfortable, or better yet because I am scared of the results. But remember, the same spirit that is in Billy Graham dwells in you my brothers and sisters! I say this because I don't want any glory for myself in anything that takes place in this life, and it is not because I am spiritual or more favored in God's eyes that I am where I am today. I am a broken, doubtful, sinful, adulteress Christian  that is saved by the same grace that you hopefully have been rescued by.

Tangent over.

God is good my friends. And He answers prayers. And sometimes He doesn't answer prayers, but even that can be an answered prayer. As you may know, I have been praying for boldness in sharing my faith. I have been praying that God would put people in my life to help me. And God is faithful. You see one thing about God is that He desires for all men to be saved, and He will provide the means to reach people if we are faithful and seek Him. You see I have been praying these prayers and trying to keep my eyes open for God to do something, which is how you should approach prayer wouldn't you agree? The other day I was interrupted in my nap (a sin that is punishable by death) by a text from my good friend Casey here in Boise, it read like this "So I totally had a dream last night that you and I were evangelizing on campus. It was an epic dream. :)" Now come on people that is just awesome. I am not saying that this was a full blown vision from the Lord necessarily, but it was enough for Casey and I too meet up and go do evangelism on campus together later that week.

Evangelism is scary. Or so I thought. But I had to change what I thought evangelism was. Amber called me from India the other day and shared with me how she evangelized at YWAM, and I decided to follow that model. All Casey and I did was ask people around campus if we could pray for them, that's it. If God opened the door or they had more questions or were interested in more info we would talk more with them. It freaked some people out, it annoyed some, and it was awesome to others. We didn't share the gospel with anyone yet, but I believe they saw two Christians who genuinely cared for them enough to pray, not sale them something. In Boise, you are solicited by everything and everyone, no one wants to listen to a sale's pitch. They want honesty, just like we al do. Some might not want to admit it, but they want some one who loves them unconditionally, and that is Jesus my friends. Boise State is an extremely liberal school, and that makes connecting with these students very difficult, but if anything it might give them a different view of Christians that we just want to lift them up in prayer. My prayer is that the people who we did have short conversations with will pop up in our radar once again, and we can build relationships with them.

I wish I could say that people dropped on their knees and accepted Christ, but to my knowledge that hasn't happened...yet. But I pray that one day I will get to see it happen.

I hope this was a fun quick read for you, and I pray that I will be consistent in loving others the way that Jesus loved us.


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